geotexniki tədqiqatlar qrunt laboratoriya


A training on Geographical Information Systems (GIS) has been arranged for some specialists of SOCAR within the framework of collaboration between SOCAR and CASPIAN GEOMATICS. The duration of the training covered 14.02.2019-15.04.2019. The attendees have owned special knowledge and abilities in GIS base. At the end the specialists have been issued certificates and keepsake photos taken together as a result of the event. Take note that the training has been conducted by Elvin Aliyev, Ph.D., Geomatics Specialist.

Take note that training on creating Geological maps and Bathymetry models, digital modelling of an area based on topographycal data, georeferencing of thematic maps as well as creating 3D models based on different data  and other  functionally- important lessons have been provided within the framework of GIS training.

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