A contract was signed with CASPIAN GEOMATICS on March 02, 2022 for the purpose of assessment of river bed processes mainly in flood and overflow dangerous rivers (Kumrukchay-Kishchay basin).
On the basis of GIS technologies under the contract, the assessment of channel processes in the Kumrukchay-Kishchay basin was carried out and the research continued until the end of the year. A report on the conducted complex studies was prepared. Modern approaches were also used in conducting the research. Traditional methods of equal-distance aerospace survey methods were used, geoinformation maps were compiled based on aerospace data, and a geodatabase was created. At the same time, the issues raised under the contract were resolved:
Resolved issues:
Investigating the flows of rivers that cause dangerous floods and mudflows;
conducting natural studies on the studied rivers;
estimation of hydraulic resistance coefficient;
morphometric analysis of the studied areas based on the digital model and high-resolution aerial imagery;
landscape structure mapping works on the studied areas;
study of the impact of anthropogenic factors on the spatial distribution of floods and mudflows on the studied rivers;
conducting detailed studies on geoinformation analyzes and other methods, etc.
A contract was signed with CASPIAN GEOMATICS on March 02, 2022 for the purpose of assessment of river bed processes mainly in flood and overflow dangerous rivers (Kumrukchay-Kishchay basin).
On the basis of GIS technologies under the contract, the assessment of channel processes in the Kumrukchay-Kishchay basin was carried out and the research continued until the end of the year. A report on the conducted complex studies was prepared. Modern approaches were also used in conducting the research. Traditional methods of equal-distance aerospace survey methods were used, geoinformation maps were compiled based on aerospace data, and a geodatabase was created. At the same time, the issues raised under the contract were resolved:
Resolved issues: