CASPIAN GEOMATICS offers a wide range of services in bathymetric & side-scan sonar surveys. We have conducted bathymetry and geophysical surveys in the Caspian Sea, rivers and lakes.

Batimetriya tədqiqatları bathymetric surveys Side-Scan Sonar

Methodologically, the initial bathymetric survey (Sonar survey) considers depth based on the distance from the starboard and port. Then, we perform correlation and interpretation to detect and analyze unknown underwater objects in the acoustic images. These objects, including rock protrusions and communications, stony areas, various reinforced concrete piles, pipes of various diameters, and others, are analyzed by us, taking into account the relief. We thoroughly analyze the detected object. We select and transfer the volume, dimensions, contours, and coordinates of the objects in the image to the map. Additionally, we carry out geodetic provision during the conducted bathymetry and sonar surveys. Lastly, we create a bathymetric map.

Bathymetry and Side-Scan Sonar surveys identify the structure of the relief in areas where oil-gas, water, and electricity (power) lines are to be installed, determine obstacles to installation, assess the technical condition of pipes and intersections, study the relief of the installation site, determine protrusions, and obtain an acoustic description of the bottom. Additionally, sonar surveys widely used in analyzing underwater beach areas. Bathymetric and sonar surveys also assess the situation before dredging operations. If sonar surveys detect any underwater objects, they calculate and interpret their size.

The team notes the dimensions of the determined underwater objects and displays them with coordinates on the map. The team includes length, width, and height parameters in these dimensions. They record solid rock protrusions with points and indicate contours on the map after interpretation. They display broken and submerged parts of the platform on the map as a special note for warning. After that, in case of waste on the bottom relief, the team creates a map of those objects. In conclusion, they present a report to the Client, reflecting the methodology, equipment used, maps, and models in the report.

Batimetriya xidməti

Bathymetric, side-scan sonar results:

  • bottom relief model and classification data of underwater objects
  • bathymetric mapping, calculation
  • sonar-based acoustic images and mosaics
  • report on bathymetric surveys
  • geodetic provision for bathymetry studies


  • bathymetric and side-scan sonar surveys
  • hydrographic mapping, modeling
  • limnological surveys (limnology)
  • marine geodetic services
  • creation of acoustic images,
  • classification of underwater object
  • coastal management surveys
  • conducting water flow and level measurements


Above all, side-scan sonar efficiently creates an image of large areas of the seafloor. This tool maps the seabed for various purposes, including creating nautical charts and detecting underwater objects and bathymetric features. Side-scan sonar imagery is also commonly used to detect debris and obstructions on the seafloor that may pose hazards to shipping or seafloor installations for subsea field development. Additionally, side-scan sonar can investigate the status of pipelines and cables on the seafloor. Side-scan data is often acquired along with bathymetric soundings and sub-bottom profiler data, providing a glimpse of the shallow structure of the seabed.

A high-precision, dual-frequency side-scan sonar system captures seabed information along the routes, such as anchor/trawl board scours, large boulders, debris, bottom sediment changes, and any item on the seabed with a horizontal dimension exceeding 0.5 m. The equipment covers specified areas completely and operates at scales that match line spacing, optimal resolution, and 100% data overlap.

The team of geophysicists with suitable experience in side-scan sonar interpretation are responsible for undertaking onboard interpretation of all contacts identified during the survey. They continuously monitor recorder settings to ensure optimum data quality. Additionally, the team adjusts the height of the tow-fish above the seabed and the speed of the vessel to ensure full coverage of the survey area.

CASPIAN GEOMATICS company greatly reduces the capabilities to perform exploration works on the continental shelf, lakes and rivers, reservoirs.

Remote Sensing
Geological & Geophysical surveys
GIS Solutions
Geodesy & Photogrammetry

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