geoloji geofiziki tədqiqat hidrogeoloji nasos Araz çayı hydrogeology and geology surveys CASPIAN GEOMATICS MMC


Hydrogeology and Geology, Topographic surveys, soil sampling, drilling, soil laboratory.

The surveys for the design aimed to investigate the surface and geological-lithological structure and to determine the physical and mechanical properties of the soil. However, we drilled 61 engineering geological boreholes, each 5 meters deep, along the project lines for the designed pressure pipeline. Additionally, we drilled 12 engineering geological boreholes, each 10 meters deep, in the areas designated for the new pumping stations near Araz 1 and Araz 2. In total, we completed 425 meters of drilling in the area.

Engineering surveys performed by us:

Topographic surveys and processing of results, mapping, installation of geodetic reference points and connection works, determination of coordinates and elevation indicators;

– Creation of a digital elevation model and longitudinal profile on the model;

– Conducting a topographical survey of the 50-meter width of the project line fed by the Araz River, which is approximately 17 km long, and establishing the triangulation network.;

– Performing of engineering topography surveys of pumping stations areas;

– Engineering geological and hydrogeological surveys, visual inspection;

–  Drilling and soil sampling;

– Soil laboratory analyzes, creation of lithological columns and sections;

– Creation of the geographic information system (GIS) of the investigation area, etc.

Firstly, we used GPS receivers based on the base rover system to carry out topographic surveys along the project line. We established relief points to create a triangulation network of the area and a topographic map of the investigation area. To provide geodesy, we determined the locations of 12 base reference points along the 17 km project line. In conclusion, we determined the coordinates and elevation indicators of those points and prepared geological-lithological columns and cross-sections.


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