su dövranının monitorinqi və peyk texnologiyaları


The representatives of “CASPIAN GEOMATICS” participated in the training.

The training was held at Holiday Inn on 13-09-2018 on the topic of “General presentation of satellite technique for water cycle monitoring”. Collaborators of Azerbaijan National Scientific Academy, delegates of IWG SDCSR, collaborator of BP, Ph.D. students of National Aerospace Agency (NASA), students from universities took part in the training.

The training consisted of 4 parts, covering the following topics:

General information on Altimetry for lakes & rivers

Using satellite altimetry for water level monitoring. Training session of the MAPS software. Session 1

Using satellite altimetry for water level monitoring. Training session of the MAPS software. Session 2

Using satellite altimetry for water level monitoring. Training session of the MAPS software. Session 3

Trainer Dr. Jean-François Crétaux responded the questions of the guests and at the end of the event, training participants took pictures.


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