CASPIAN GEOMATICS LLC company provides comprehensive research and engineering services in the fields of alternative energy, waste management, irrigation and drainage systems, water supply, oil and gas, agriculture, forestry, ecosystems, natural resources, infrastructure, tourism, environment, urban planning, design, mining.

International certificates and licenses:

– Engineering-Prospecting Works of buildings & facilities permitted for construction

– Formation of information recourses of personal data and information systems development, serve them 

– ISO 9001:2015

– ISO 14001:2015

– ISO 45001:2018

CASPIAN GEOMATICS LLC participates in the implementation of projects of ADB, WB, EBRD and other international organizations. At the same time, we cooperates with international companies, state and private organizations.

We have approaches to project management, HSE, quality control, emergency, planning. The staff has international HSE & IMO certificates.


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