A contract was signed for the purpose of carrying out bathymetry surveys within the framework of the “New Baku International Sea Trade Port Project” Phase II. Remote sensing methods were widely used and geoinformation analyzes were carried out in the investigation area.
The investigation area includes part of the coastal areas and the Caspian Sea basin in Garadagh district of Baku city (the area is 17 ha). The coastal zone of the area consists of partially silty and sharply silty areas, areas consisting of ponds and algae, sandy and stony areas.
The bottom relief of the sea basin was investigated, seabed relief points were processed and a bathymetric model was created. Field equipments with high accuracy was used in the surveys. After the surveys, the existing reference points in the area were connected and the elevation indicators were brought to the Baltic Elevation System.
Creation of a navigation system and conducting bathymetric surveys;
Implementation of topographical surveys of coastal zones;
Creation of the triangulation network of the investigation area (sea basin and coastal areas), engineering geodetic works and installation of geodetic reference points;
Application of remote sensing methods (orthophoto, etc.) and geoinformation analysis;
Bathymetric modeling and bathymetric mapping;
Preparation of relief profiles based on bathymetric model;
Preparation of report on bathymetric studies, etc.
Bathymetry & topography survey, remote sensing, geodetic surveys
A contract was signed for the purpose of carrying out bathymetry surveys within the framework of the “New Baku International Sea Trade Port Project” Phase II. Remote sensing methods were widely used and geoinformation analyzes were carried out in the investigation area.
The investigation area includes part of the coastal areas and the Caspian Sea basin in Garadagh district of Baku city (the area is 17 ha). The coastal zone of the area consists of partially silty and sharply silty areas, areas consisting of ponds and algae, sandy and stony areas.
The bottom relief of the sea basin was investigated, seabed relief points were processed and a bathymetric model was created. Field equipments with high accuracy was used in the surveys. After the surveys, the existing reference points in the area were connected and the elevation indicators were brought to the Baltic Elevation System.
Works performed by CASPIAN GEOMATICS LLC within the framework of the “New Baku International Sea Trade Port Project” Phase II: