inklinometr geologica surveys wireline core spt pressiometr

Engineering-prospecting on Shikhov Skypark Project

Wire Line drilling – 1220 meters, Seismic -1.0 km, SPT, Pressiometer test, Inclinometer test – 120 meters.

In order to build new residential complexes that meet modern standards in Baku, complex engineering-geological and geophysical surveys were conducted on the basis of a bilateral agreement. Drilling was carried out on the project area with a total depth of 1220 meters by Wire Line method and samples were taken, Soil laboratory investigations were performed, (SPT) Standard Penetration Tests and Pressiometer tests were carried out, seismic surveys (MASW- Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves) were conducted on profiles with a total length of 1.0 km. Inclinometer tests were performed in the range of 10-120 meters. In addition, asbuilt schemes have been created.


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