xammal yataqları mühəndis geodeziya və topoqrafiya mühəndis axtarışları axtarış işləri prospecting and engineering CASPIAN GEOMATICS MMC


Prospecting and engineering works at the Norm cement plant and raw material areas included carrying out topographical & geodetic surveys, installing benchmarks. The team used modern geodetic equipment and GIS/CAD software to create triangulation and 3D models. All activities within the prospecting and engineering works were planned according to the technical task.

The engineering team conducted geodetic surveys in Garadagh district, Sangargaya and Vulkan areas, and also in Alabashli village. During the surveys, they installed benchmarks on the raw material deposits and determined the coordinates and elevations of those points. They created topographic maps, triangulation and 3D models for each area, as well as relief profiles.

The resolved issues on the engineering prospecting works:

  1. Performing of prospecting and engineering works in the territory of the Norm cement plant and on the raw material deposits.
  2. Creation of CAD-based digital topographic maps.
  3. Creation of GIS-based triangulation and 3D models on the raw material deposits.
  4. Installation of benchmarks, determination of coordinates and elevation indicators of the points.
  5. Preparation of transverse and longitudinal relief profiles based on triangulation models.

To conduct prospecting and engineering works, we initially analyzed the investigation areas based on satellite images and selected the methodology according to the relief. We carried out a risk assessment following HSE procedures and instructed the topographers. We chose favorable weather conditions to start work and tested all equipment before visiting the project area.

In accordance with the methodology, we applied an RTK mode geodetic system. During topographic surveys, we visually inspected the area and analyzed the points where the station should be installed to maintain the connection between the GPS base station and the GPS receiver. The team selected the optimal location for the station, installed benchmarks, and determined the coordinates and elevation indicators. This accurate conduct of topographical surveys on the territory and the connection of survey results to benchmarks were provided by the elevation indicator and optimal location criteria of the station.


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