dron Ortofoto xəritə (ortofotoxəritə) topoqrafik planalma orthophoto maps mapping topographic surveys


Orthophoto maps were created based on satellite data in 7000 ha , topographic surveying was carried out based on DRONE surveys.

CASPIAN GEOMATICS company and the Client concluded a contract on January 29th for orthophoto mapping of the 7000 ha area of Saatli district and topographic surveys.

Purpose of project.

The project aimed to provide geoinformation services on the site. The issues raised include:

  1. Topographic survey & mapping.
  2. Supplying the satellite data based on Earth Remote Sensing.
  3. Orthophoto mapping with 0.5 meter resolution based on satellite data.
  4. Topographic survey (DRONE surveys).
  5. Orthophoto mapping with 3.5 cm resolution.
  6. Processing and analysis of results etc.

DRONE surveys.

However, the flight sensor measures in kinematic mode using a GNSS receiver and a high-quality photo camera. The flight operation team divided the area into 4 parts because it was large. Each flight lasted for two hours and thirty to forty minutes, and the pilots maintained a flight height of approximately 270 m. The GNSS receiver measured static mode at each point of the flight using known coordinates. The base station processed both the flight sensor data and the collected GNSS observation information, along with the photographs. We set the external orientation settings of pictures (x, y, h, Omega, Fi, Kappa) and added them as meta information to the picture files. The calculated coordinates and altitudes achieved an accuracy of 2-3 cm. The team planned aerial photography and collected more than 14,000 photographs covering the entire area. They took aerial photos with 3.5 cm resolution quality.

The team obtained remote sensing data for the 2000 area in full and created orthophoto maps with a resolution of 0.5 m. Specialists analyzed GCP (geodetic control points) points using satellite data in the processing. Analysis resulted in the identification of 10 GCPs on the project area (7,000 hectares). GPS equipment determined the coordinates and altitudes of those points in the area.
We used processed data to determine orthometric heights and created orthophoto maps for 7000 ha. The team specified ellipsoidal and orthometric indicators for the GCP points.


The team solved the issues within the project of orthophoto maps and topographic surveys of the 7000 ha area in Saatli District. So that, the following issues have been solved using modern geoinformation systems. After that, specialists processed orthophoto maps with a resolution of 0.5 m for the 7000 ha area using Earth Remote Sensing data. Our specialists determined GCP points for processing orthophoto maps. Then, specialists calculated ellipsoidal and orthometric height values as a result of geodetic surveys. DRONE surveys resulting in orthophoto maps with a 1-centimeter resolution. The photogrammetric benchmarks for high-level photogrammetry work in 2000 hectares have been strengthened. As a result, specialists used aerial photos to create surface models, and prepared points of the cloud.



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