Soil amelioration & hydrogeology services are one of the main activities of CASPIAN GEOMATICS. Company has signed numerous contracts on soil amelioration and cooperates with international organizations in various fields of activity.
CASPIAN GEOMATICS has great experience in soil amelioration.
- Assessment of water-salt and irrigation regimes of the soil
- study of agro-climatic condition (GIS)
- environmental assessment of water-salt regime of irrigated soils
- groundwater and surface water studies analysis and modeling
- hydrochemical characterization of surface water and groundwater
- monitoring saline soils using remote sensing data, GIS mapping
- creation of SCADA system on irrigation canals and system integration
- analysis-of-eco-meliorative-condition
- soil forming rocks and minerals classification
- soil erosion (surface wash)
- water resistance of soil aggregates
- soil sampling and chemical analyzes
- data analysis and recommendations
- assessment of soil salinization tendency
- plant species & variety selection
- remote soil analysis
- DRONE / Remote Sensing services, mapping
- selection of appropriate places for conducting agrometeorological observations
- installation of agro-meteorological stations
The company proposes services in the direction of soil sampling and laboratory analyzes, as well as studying salinization.
Using sensor devices, we can determine soil parameters at different depth intervals (for instance soil moisture, temperature, ec, pH, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium). Above all, our services include SCADA system design and execution. Therefore, by placing special sensor devices in the observation wells, we create opportunities to remotely monitor the current water level indicators in the wells. However, by providing these services in a complex manner, we are creating a management system. As a result, the main feature of the system is that it can be integrated other systems. Moreover, it is possible to follow the results on the mobile application. Our services in this direction include all solutions.
Hydrogeological ameliorative expedition
- determining the condition of irrigated lands, as a result, analyzing data, conducting observations on the water and salt balances
- monitoring of the regime of groundwater, quality control of surface and underground water used for irrigation
- determining hydrogeological parameters based on regime observation data.
review a number of projects that have been done