Batimetriya Bathymetry ekzogen hydrographic surveying bathymetric exogenous processes


Hydrographic surveying were conducted in 3 ha, study of exogenous processes was carried out along 300 meters of coastline.

There is a need to conduct hydrographic surveying on the southern shores of the Azerbaijan sector of the Caspian Sea, to investigate the processes of active erosion in the coastal zones. However, from this point of view, on the basis of a bilateral agreement, CASPIAN GEOMATICS has started engineering investigation. Firstly, researchers conducted a complex investigation to check the cleanliness of the seabed, classified the objects found on the seabed. Researchers determined and compared areas of active erosion processes in coastal areas for different years. To achieve this, researchers used contact and aerospace methods. As a result, the team established the Geographic Information System (GIS) for the investigation area.

The division of the Caspian basin into the northern, middle, and southern Caspian occurs based partly on underwater relief and partly on hydrologic characteristics. The sea contains as many as 50 islands, most of which are small. The rivers Ural, Terek, and especially the Volga wash down great amounts of alluvial material that accumulate along the low shores of the northern Caspian, creating extensive deltas. The western shore of the middle Caspian is hilly. The narrow marine plain separates the foothills of the Greater Caucasus Mountains from the coast. The Abşeron Peninsula, on which the city of Baku is sited, thrusts out into the sea there, while just to its south the floodplain of the Kura and Aras rivers forms the Kura-Aras Lowland along the western shore of the southern Caspian.

Hydrographic surveying (Bathymetric surveys), coastal management, GIS mapping, exogenous processes.



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