Geoloji qazma Geology, Geophysics seysmika geofiziki tədqiqat geological drilling seismic surveys


The scope of geological drilling was 430 meters, seismic surveys were conducted on two profiles (length of profiles 120 m).

With the purpose of construction of residential buildings in Baku, it have become necessary to implement geological & geophysical surveys in the site. With this respect, a contract have been signed between CASPIAN GEOMATICS LLC and a Customer. However, the main purposes were to carry-out complex engineering- geological and geophysical investigations, implement topographic survey in the site, as well as perform laboratory analyses. The geological drilling was 430 meters. The engineering survey that we have carried out were mainly the followings:

  • Creation topographic map of the site;
  • visual inspection of the construction site and frontier areas with it from the point of view of engineering-geological and hydrogeological conditions;
  • drilling exploration wells;
  • implementation of geophysical investigation (seismic surveys);
  • soil and water sampling;
  • performing laboratory researches;
  • implementation of office processing works.

Researchers measured the physical-mechanical parameters of soil samples taken from drilled boreholes. After that, in a laboratory, we determined the results in accordance with the standard requirements. Secondly, we sent soil and water samples taken from undisturbed wells, along with samples for chemical analysis, for laboratory testing. Thirdly, in conducting geological and lithological studies, researchers took into account current normative documents and instructions. As a result, they used research funds and scientific materials from previous years along with the results they obtained. To cope with this problem, which makes it impossible to interpret the correct definition of layer boundaries, researchers determined the layer boundaries and their thickness using MASW.

As a result, we have prepared 128 pages report about complex researches that we have carried out.

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