Sonar batimetriya tədqiqatları Bathymetry, SONAR survey


SONAR & bathymetric surveys were conducted in areas up to 250 m, the area was analyzed based on built profiles.

Necessity has arisen to implement SONAR survey and Bathymetric investigations on the Caspian Sea basin with the purpose of laying beach area along sea coast of the area of Khazar district. With this purpose, a contract have been signed between CASPIAN GEOMATICS LLC as the winner and a Client at a purchase competition. Bathymetric measurements and Side Scan Sonar survey which have been implemented by us in the project area has covered up to 250 m from the coastal line.

SONAR and Bathymetry survey

Depending on the issues that have been put forward and considering difficulty of the area, different methodological approaches and Remote Sensing methods have been widely used during Bathymetric researches. The main purpose covered determination of geometrical parameters of coastal dams and dangerous areas (stony and etc.), studying bottom relief,  determination of underwater objects and their inventory, as well as their classification, making surface structure model of bottom relief  in the sea basin on the project area. Initially, risk assesment of the area has been done, serious HSE plan prepared, as well as all risk probabilities minimized.

Thus, as a result of SONAR and Bathymetric measurments underwater hard rock projections, stony areas, reinforced-concrete piles and etc. obejcts have been found out and registered (Sonar contact).  Coordinates and geometric parameters of the same object and areas (zones) have been made more accurate. Bathymetric map has been made based on GIS and the same objects have been included in the map. Methodically in order to carry out completely exact movement of a boat along tacks, GPS navigation system have been created, but study of the bottom relief in shallow areas have been done by  tachometeric and GPS survey methods. But in deep waters single-ray system and SONAR surveys have been used. As a result, acoustic images have been obtained, dangerous areas classified and added to digital maps which have been prepared by us.  All obtained results have been processed in cameral condition and bathymetric model of the bottom relief of the area made.  Using interpretation programs SONAR data have been processed, analyzed and acoustic images obtained, as well as based on images contours of rocky places (coastal dams) and stony area determined.   Acoustic images have been obtained in 10 cm resolution. Then, 3D model of the area has been made and  in accordance with bathymetric model profile graphics have been prepared. At the same time, using Remote Sensing methods partly stony areas in the sea basin have been detected and general plan of the area has  prepared.

SONAR and Bathymetry survey










At the end, a 67-page report about SONAR and Bathymetric researches which have been carried out by us has been prepared and submitted to the Client.


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