Topography topoqrafik plan caspian geomatics kənd təsərrüfatı topoqrafiya xəritəsi topoqrafik ölçmə topographic surveys


Topographic surveys were carried out in 3200 ha, topographic map was compiled on the scale of 1: 5000.

Initial evaluation of the area is necessary to carry out agricultural activities and create infrastructure (road, electricity, water lines and etc.) which is possible by implementation detailed topographic surveys. Besides, designers consider the area design important, which requires them to use a topographic map.

CASPIAN GEOMATICS signed a contract with the Customer to implement topographic surveys for cultivating agricultural plants (3200 ha).

  • Topographic mapping of the area;
  • installation of benchmarks.

To achieve the main goal and perform topographic work, the Customer proposed certain requirements and prepared a technical assignment. The team followed certain procedures to conduct a topographic survey of the area.. Initially, the team conducted a methodical analysis of the project area and performed a comparative analysis using satellite images of different resolutions.

Then, we conducted a visual inspection of the area and performed a topographic assessment of the site (methodology).The specialists faced the main issues of determining where to install the reference marks on the ground and installing them. At the same time, the benchmarks must be visible to each other. Therefore, it is also necessary to choose the correct altitude criteria.

Thus, we have solved the following issues in this stage:

  • Geodetic surveys in static mode
  • Calculation of measurement results

The team conducted a comprehensive survey on the site to perform a topographic survey, determining the coordinates of all installed reference signs in static mode and identifying the coordinates of roads that became impassable due to rain and rainwater. In addition, the inspectors examined the underground high-pressure gas pipeline running through the site.


Thus, within the framework of engineering and topographic works for installing the required number of benchmarks, the team determined their locations and specified the coordinates of the benchmarks using nearby points. As a result, the team compiled a topographic map at a scale of 1:5000.

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